Zebra Mini VPN Router (1 Year VPN Subscription) 千里馬行動網霸 雙向翻牆國際專案包 (一年網路無限流量)
Zebra Mini VPN Router (1 Year VPN Subscription) 千里馬行動網霸 雙向翻牆國際專案包 (一年網路無限流量)
The Only Official ZebraVPN Dealership in the US美國唯一官方授權代理經銷商
This package includes a Mini VPN (with 1-year subscription), an Ethernet cable, a USB cable, and a AC Adapter.
- Easy Setup: Use VPN after a quick setup
- 3 Connection Methods: Connection through Ethernet, Wi-Fi or 4G dongle
- Share VPN with others: Multiple devices such as mobile phone, laptop, and tablet can be connected to VPN simultaneously - up to 5 devices at the same time!
- Individual VPN Connection for Zebra App Users: Download Zebra App on smartphone/tablets and get 5 additional VPN connection for each user
- Fast & Stable: Experience high-speed VPN service with Unlimited data
- Quality Guaranteed: Proved by thousands of users worldwide
- Auto two way proxy: Use VPN around the world
- 簡易安裝 - 搭配官方App使用,一鍵輕鬆翻牆
- 多種連接方式 - 有線網路、Wi-Fi、3G/4G行動網卡
- 多人共用 - 同時分享VPN給智慧手機、平板、筆電
- 買一送五 - 安裝Zebra App於智慧手機/平板,享有獨立VPN線路 -- 五名使用者同時使用不互相干擾!
- 網速不卡關 - 享受高清的追劇快感
- 品質保證 - 10年以上的VPN專業經驗,研發團隊持續改進產品效能
- Dimensions: 3.2 x 2 x 1.1 inches
- Item Weight: 8 ounces
- 長 x 寬 x 高:3.2 x 2 x 1.1 英寸 (8.2 x 5.1 x 2.7 公分)
- 產品重量:8盎司 (0.22公斤)